Kings Drinking Game


On a scale from one to drunk, everyone knows King's Cup is the highest-ranked drinking game around in terms of its ability to get people wasted. But, after playing the game some three million times, we've found a way to keep the game interesting. Here are our 30 new rules you can use to take your drinking game from zero to shit-faced in no time. Dec 07, 2020 King’s Cup, also known as Ring of Fire, Circle of Death and Waterfall, has been a classic drinking game for years and for a good reason. It’s a great icebreaker for a group that doesn’t know each other well but it’s also just as fun for tight-knit friends too. Kings, Kings Deck, King's Cup, King of Cups, Circle of Death, or Categories is a popular drinking game similar to circle of death. It uses a standard deck of playing cards. The deck of cards are shuffled and spread down on a table, usually in a circle. In some variations, a cup is placed in the center of the table. The Kings drinking game is today available in many different versions and known by many alternative names, even though the classic version is played the most. Some of the most popular alternative versions of Kings drinking game are known by the names Heroes, Circle of Death, Oval of Fire, Ring of Fire, King’s Cup, Donut and others.

What is the game Kings?

This is a drinking game called Kings that has several names such as king’s cup, jug oval, Heroes, donut, ring of fire or of fire. There is a Japanese version of the game as well. This game requires that you use playing cards. Each player must dispense drinks based on the cards that they draw and drink as well. Before the game starts, every card has a predetermined rule. Usually groups establish what the house rules will be with their own variation of game rules.

Kings Drinking Game App


  • You will need two or more players
  • A single deck of cards
  • One large cup that will be used as the Kings Cup
  • You will need alcoholic beverages – usually beer, liquor, wine, or mixed drinks. You can also use non alcoholic drinks as well.
  • Playing time – twenty to forty minutes
  • Card rank (highest first) – Ace (A) – two (2)
  • Play – Clockwise or counterclockwise
  • Cards – Fifty two
  • Age range – This varies by legal jurisdiction

Ace = Waterfall. This is one of the universal king’s cup rules. If you pick up an Ace it equals.

What is the setup and common rules?

In this drinking game, players must perform the actions associated with each card drawn. In most cases, the rules on the cards may reveal some interesting things about the players. typically, the cards will be shuffled then they will be dealt in a circle around either a full can of beer or an empty cup. Sometimes a shot glass will be used or a cup of wine or spirits. Every player will take turns drawing a card, and the participants must follow the corresponding instruction to the card drawn. This drinking game will be highly open ended, also all of the cards may signify any mini-game.

The card assignments and the rules are usually confirmed before the start of the game. Determining when the game ends depends on the house rules. The game will end either when the king’s cup has been consumed, or when the final rule card has been drawn; or when the cards that are placed on the top of the king’s cup has fallen off and the player that knocked them off must drink the king’s cup. It is not uncommon for players to just make up their own house rules every time the game is played.

What are the common King’s Card assignments?

Ace – Waterfall – Every player must begin drinking at the same time starting from the person to their left. Players may not stop drinking until the player before them stops drinking.

2 – Two for you – You have to point at two players and tell them to drink up. You may also tell one player to take two drinks instead.

3 – Three for me – “3 for me” You have to take a drink aww yeah!

4 – Give two Take two – You must give out two drinks and also take two drinks yourself.

5 – Fives Guys – All the dudes have to drink.

6 – Six’s Chicks – All the chicks have to drink.

7 – Sevens Heaven – Everyone raises their hand at the same time and the last person to raise their hand has to drink.

8 – Pick a Mate – You have to choose a player to be your mate and they must drink every time you drink for the rest of the game.

9 – Bust a Rhyme – “Nine is Rhyme” If you pull this card, you have to say a word and the player to your right has to come up with a word that rhymes with yours. This will continue around the table until someone cannot come up with a word that rhymes. You may not use the same word twice and whoever fails to rhyme drinks.

10 – Categories – You have to come up with a category or topic of things, and the player to your right must think of something that falls within that topic. This will go on around the table until a player cannot think of anything. That player has to drink.

Jack – Never have I Ever – You have to play never have I ever with 3-5 fingers

Queen – Questions – The player who draws the card must start by asking anyone a question. Then this player will ask anyone else a question. This continues around the table until someone fails to ask a question.

King – King’s Cup + Rules – During the game when the first three king cards are drawn, the player who drew the card must pour some of their drink into the King’s Cup in the center of the table. Once the forth king card has been drawn, that player must consume the contents of the King’s Cup. When the first three king cards are drawn, those players can make a rule, that must be followed until the next king card is drawn. Some of the rules may be Thumbs, ( players put their thumbs onto the table silently and the last person to do so has to drink), Buffalo, (you must always use your left hand) Teeth, (players may not show their teeth whenever they laugh) and In bed (players must say “in bed” at the end of every sentence).

What are the common Circle of Death card assignments?

Ace – Maddy Drinks – Any player by the name “Maddy” has to drinks – all other players in the game can drink at their own leisure while watching the unfortunate Ethan.

2 – You – “Two is you” The player who draws this card points at a player and tells them to drink.

3 – Me – “Three is me” – The person who draws this card has to drink.

4 – Whores – “Four is whores” – All females must drink.

5 – Drive – “Five is drive” All players puts up their hands as if driving a car. The person who drew the card begins to pretend like they are driving a car by saying “vroom” while tilting their hands left or right. The player in that direction becomes the “driver” and has the option to pass the position left or right. The player in the “driver” position has three options. They can continue in the same direction by saying “vroom” passing it to the next person. They can turn their hands in the opposite direction by saying “skirt” and pass the driver seat back to the person who just gave it to them. While the direction is set all players have to say “vroom” until a player decides to say “skirt” and send it back. The final option is to say “beep” while acting like you are hitting the car horn. This will pass the games position to the person opposite to the current “driver”. The person who turns or speaks the wrong way has to drink.

6 – Dicks – “Six is dicks” – All men must drink.

7 – Heaven – “Seven is heaven” The last player to put their hands up in the air has to drink.

8 – Pick a Mate – “Eight is mate” This player must choose a mate to drink when they drink for the rest of the game. If one of the mates draws another 8 they choose another person and now all three must drink. You may also merge two mated pairs. If all the players in the game become mated it will cancel out.

Kings Drinking Game Rules

9 – Rhyme – “Nine is Rhyme”. The player who draws this card says a word and the next player counter clockwise to them must say a word that rhymes with that. This continues around the table until someone cannot think of a word that rhymes and they must drink.

Kings drinking game alternate rules

10 – Categories – This player will have to come up with a category of something, and the player to your right must continue to think of something that falls into that topic. This goes around the table until a player cannot think of anything.

Jack – Thumb Master – The player who draws this card must secretly put their thumb onto the end of the table. All other players must place their thumb on the end of the table as well. The last player to put their thumb on the table has to drink. The person who draws this card has the power to put their thumb onto the table at any time until the jack card is drawn again or when the game ends.

Kings Drinking Game Alternate Rules

Queen – Question Master – When this player asks a question all other players have to answer with another question. This will go on until the next queen card is drawn. The players who answer the question master without a question must drink.

King – King’s Cup – The players who draws the king card must pour some of their beverage into the King’s Cup. The person who draws the final king card must drink the King’s Cup.

Check This Video Out

Are you a dedicated card player that carries a deck everywhere he goes? Then Kings drinking game is right up your alley! This is a simple bar game that you can play with your friend while you drink at a bar or a table in a pub. It can make up a lot of excitement, since it’s kind of a gambling game as well. Let’s see how it’s played…

How do you play?

You need a deck of cards and you will also need to decide to play before you order. It’s very simple, you just start dealing cards face up one by one to each one of your friends until a King is dealt.

The first person to get dealt a King picks an alcoholic drink from the menu.

Play Kings Drinking Game   Kings Drinking Card Game

Dealing then continues until the second King is dealt.

The second person to get dealt a King then picks a soft drink to mix the liquor with.

Dealing then continues until the third King is dealt.

The third person to get dealt a King pays for the drink.

Kings Drinking Game Jack

Dealing then continues until the fourth King is dealt.

The fourth person to get dealt a King has to drink the mix.

That’s it!

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Special rules

You can add special rules to get some really funky drinks. Here are two of my suggestions, but you can add your own, so let your imagination fly:

Kings Drinking Game Instructions

  • Deal the deck out twice for one drink. This way you basically get 2 different liquors and 2 different soft drinks in the same drink.
  • If you are playing Kings drinking game at home, you can make anything go. Basically, just exchange »soft drink« with »anything you have in the kitchen« in the above text. This way you might be drinking a vodka whiskey with tomato juice and milk! Hope you have a good stomach…

Enjoy playing Kings drinking game!

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