Euchre Strategy


Euchre is a game that requires a quick analysis your opponents and the cards that have been played. It is my hope that by taking this quiz, you will learn a few things and perhaps take a second look at your method of play. At the end of the quiz you will be shown which answers are correct. Euchre Strategy. The Basics: Ten Commandments of Euchre - Harvey Lapp. An entertaining look at the basics. Major influences from Natty Bumppo and conventional wisdom.

Rules of Euchre are available on the Card Game Heaven site. Ralph Sprovier's Euchre Info website has a collection of recommended documents and links on Euchre strategy and terminology. The Euchre page of the White Knuckle Playing Cards site, which describes the Australian game with 32 cards. Archive copy of Dave Barker's former Euchre page. Use advanced tips and tricks to demolish your opponents in euchre. You will learn to call next. Use second-hand low, and donation strategy. Also, you can learn to be sneaky and pass dirty.

Here is a complete listing of all euchre articles

During the spring of 2014 I did a major redesign of the site. This included a new easy to use 'drop-down' menu system. While the overall response to the new system has been positive, there were those that preferred the old style menu with the listings all in one place. The list at the very bottom of the page reflects the original list from back in 2010. As you can see we've added a lot of information since then. Check here often as the site continues to grow..

The links in black are up to 2014

The links in red are up to 2016

The links in blue are up to 2018

The links in Maroon are up to 2020

New to euchre? Start here

Euchre Basics

Naming Trump

Playing the Hand

Lone Calls

Euchre Strategy


Partner Communication

The Fourth Trick

Beyond the Basics

Additional Euchre Lessons

Below is the original 2012 Tips page.

How do I learn how to play Euchre?

ould you like to learn how to play euchre? It is a fast paced game that only takes a few minutes to learn. Even though developing a winning strategy takes much longer, one quickly realizes what a fun and challenging game euchre is. ...

Not sure when to bid?

The ability to recognize a biddable hand is what separates the good players from the average. Let us help you develop this skill

What card should I lead?

One of the first questions new players frequently ask is 'having the first play, what card should I lead'? This depends largely on your position relative to the dealer...

What card should I discard?

One of the keys to becoming proficient in euchre is knowing what card to discard. Are you choosing correctly?

The Art of the Next Call (aka Hoyle)

The idea of calling next has been around for as long as the game of euchre itself. Even the earliest books on euchre talk about it, this article will help you understand the how and whys of the next call strategy.

The 'No Trump' Next Call

Name trump with none in your hand?
Why would you do that?
Would you ever do it?
Maybe it's just crazy enough to work...

The Reverse Next Call

Never heard of reverse next you say. Let us give you in inside scoop. It will help you win more games.

When should you try a lone call?

I've heard it said that the only time you should play alone is if you have a guaranteed three tricks. Trouble is those hands are rare. There are many others that may work...

What is the best defense against a loner?

Some loners, such as a lay-down lone, just can not be stopped. I have played with partners that will say it doesn't make any difference what I lead. That's just not true, many loners are stopped on the first lead or the last lead.

When should you call a block?

Perhaps the most misunderstood thing in euchre is donating (aka blocking, safety). The only reason to call is to stop a lone. It may seem odd to be ordering up when you know you will be euchred but....

Communication between Partners

Being able to communicate to your partner what to lead back is one of the most important aspects of euchre. You can give your partner a lot of information simply by the way you play a hand. Good players...

Give your Partner a chance Part 1

It has been said count on your partner for one trick. Do you say that never works for me? Let us show you some ways to increase the chance of getting your partners help..

Give your Partner a chance Part 2

Last night we played at a local double elimination event. We were down to the last round, and in deep battle for the money. Point by point the score when up. With only one two point hand. It had been a long game. Score was now.

Give your Partner a chance Part 3

The saying count on your partner for a trick not only applies when you're trying to make a point. It also applies when you are trying to euchre your opponents.

The two suited, three trump hand

'But I had three trumps, two suited'. We hear this a lot in euchre. By using the proper technique, this hand will usually result in at point...

Should you go alone on 8 ?

There are many old sayings associated with euchre, Some are just wrong...

How and why to count trump

To be a successful euchre player, one needs every possible tool available to them. As the hand progresses counting trump becomes....

Are you giving away too much information?

I've talked about ways to let your partner know what cards your hold. However, when the other team is bidding a change of strategy is necessary

Never lead trump to the opposition

This is one of the first things we learn when playing euchre, but are there exceptions...

Never trump your partners Ace

This is one yet another of the first things we learn when playing euchre, and again there exceptions...

Take a trick whenever you can

While this is good advice for new players, it may not always be the best strategy

The double lead, Good or Bad?

When used properly a double lead can help win a game. Used incorrectly and it could results in your team being euchred..

4th trick leads

A lot of emphasis is placed on the first lead of any particular hand. There are many times where the 4th lead is just as important...

Fishing for trump

In almost any euchre hand the where-a-bouts of the boss cards will always be a concern. Sometime you have to go fishing for them...

Top things done wrong when playing euchre

1) Not leading trump to partner's call
2) Leading trump on defense
3) Turning down a bower when have 1 other trump
4) Failing to call 'next'....

The Ten Commandments of Euchre

1) Thou shalt not pass a biddable hand
2) Thou shalt counteth upon thy partner for one trick.
3)Thou shalt not....

How to play Two and Three Handed Euchre

The rules for 4 handed euchre apply to two and three handed with a couple of exceptions as noted below. A standard deck of 24 cards are used. Cards are ranked the same as in ordinary Euchre. Cards are dealt out in groups of 2's and 3's with an additional two cards are dealt to a ...

Test Your Euchre Skills

Have you ever wondered how you stack up against other euchre players. This quiz was put together not only to test skill level, but as a teaching tool. Now you can see where your strength and weaknesses lay. There are total of 25 questions that cover euchre skills from the intermediate level to advanced level. Taking our QUIZ is the best way to see where you stand.
All incorrect answers now have links to pages providing the answers. No more guessing why it was wrong and what the correct answer would be.

Euchre Strategy Tips

As of Feb, 2017 The Quiz has been taken 10,000 times

Suggested Further Reading:

Euchre Strategy Advanced Game

What Card should I Lead? page 1
Help me understand what card to lead
Our series of 10 lessons on how to play.
A Self-Study Course in Euchre
The Ten Commandments of Euchre
compiled in 2000 A.D. by Harvey Lapp
Our series of articles for the advanced player
A complete listing of our euchre articles
Why you should count trump?
For an advantage over other players

Basic Euchre Strategy

The OhioEuchre Community Forum

Just like talking Euchre with like-minded individuals?Have a question on how to play a particular hand? Would like to share your expertise with other Euchre players from around the world? The OhioEuchre forum is designed just for you.

Just learning? Our forum includes a entire section dedicated to those that are new to Euchre.

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